Is or Are Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement can be a tricky concept to grasp for many writers. One common area of confusion is whether to use «is» or «are» when dealing with a subject that consists of multiple elements. In this article, we`ll examine this issue in-depth and provide some practical tips to help you avoid common mistakes.

First, let`s review the basics. Subject-verb agreement means that the verb used in a sentence must be in agreement with the subject of the sentence. For example, in the sentence «She eats pizza,» the subject «she» is singular, so the verb «eats» agrees with it in number. Similarly, in the sentence «They eat pizza,» the subject «they» is plural, so the verb «eat» agrees with it.

When dealing with subjects that consist of multiple elements, such as compound subjects, it can be more difficult to determine whether to use «is» or «are.» Here are some general rules to keep in mind:

1. With compound subjects joined by «and,» use a plural verb.

For example, in the sentence «Tom and Jerry are friends,» the subject «Tom and Jerry» is plural, so the verb «are» agrees with it. Another example would be «The dog and the cat are sleeping.»

2. With compound subjects joined by «or» or «nor,» use a verb that agrees with the closer subject.

For example, in the sentence «Neither the cat nor the dog is hungry,» the closer subject «dog» is singular, so the verb «is» agrees with it. Another example would be «Either the pizza or the salad is for me.»

3. When the subjects are connected by «or» and they are different in number, use a plural verb.

For example, in the sentence «Either the cat or the dogs are outside,» the subjects are singular and plural, respectively, so the verb «are» agrees with the plural subject.

4. Collective nouns, such as «team» and «staff,» can be singular or plural depending on the context.

For example, in the sentence «The team is practicing,» the collective noun «team» is singular, so the verb «is» agrees with it. However, in the sentence «The team are arguing,» the collective noun is used in a plural sense, so the verb «are» agrees with it.

In conclusion, understanding subject-verb agreement is vital for clear and effective writing. By following these rules, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and easily understood by your readers.

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